35 Kerr St Onancock Va
Saturday May 25 @ 10:00 A.m-----RAIN date June 1 @10;00 A.m
Viewing Starts At 8:00 A.M
Selling from the Estate of Mrs Joan Recor
Directions: Turn west off Rt. 13 in Onley Go into Onancock & turn Rt on Marshall St. & turn left on Kerr St. House will be on Rt. Auction. Signs will be posted
handmade quilt & Afghans
pictures, table lamps
oil paintings ( 3- Willie Crocketts & others )
Decoys ( L. Ward, Farlow & others )
Large Collection of Oil Lamps
Glass Candle holders, Paper Weights
Sets of Salts & Others
2- Caster Sets , Pressed Glass ,& Waterford Glassware
Depression Glass , Carnival Glassware
Collection of Vinegar Cruets , & Salt Shakers
Several Decanters , Lenox, & Stemware
Oyster Plates, Several Large Platters & Wall Pockets
Toy Machine Gun, Cheese Dish , Compotes & Milk Glass
Miss America Glassware ,& 2- Cranberry Lamps w/ Marble Bases
Drop Leaf Dining Table , Set of 6 Dining Chairs
2- Small Marble Top Tables , Large Wall Mirrors
Maple Server, China Hutch & 2 Ladder Back Chairs
Oriental Style Rugs, Small Side Tables & Chippendale Style Mirror
Washbowl & Pitcher & Stand, & Bookcases
Mahogany Desk, Cedar Chest & Flat Screen T.V
3 Piece Bedroom Suit, & Small 4 Drawer Chest
Spinet Desk, & Mahogany Chest of Drawers
3 Piece Queen Size Bedroom Suit& Love Seat
Computer Desk & Computer
Lots of other glassware
Box Lots & Other Items to numerous to mention
5% Buyers Premium Applies to All Transactions.
Auctioneer: Chester Jackson, VAAR #377, Parksley, VA 23421
(757) 665-5672 (757) 710-2318 (757) 710-5185